Given a string containing paranthesis characters, evaulate if the paranthesis formation are valid.
// inputStr := "()[]{}"
// output := myFunction(inputStr)
// output = true
// inputStr2 := "()[]{[)]}"
// output2 := myFunction(inputStr2)
// output2 = false
First, let's review the paranthesis validation rules.
From the second rule, we can infer that we need to keep track of the characters in a LIFO order. So the last opened paranthesis must be closed the first. Which implies a stack data structure. With a stack we can naturally keep track of a LIFO order operation. So let's jump into the code.
Our algorithm will go through all the characters (runes in golang) of the string and do the following operation:
For the code below to work, you need to implement the stack (runeStack
in this case) and the matches function. Matches function accepts two runes as parameters and checks if the second rune is the correct closer for the first one.
func isValid(s string) bool {
// for every rune
// if it's an opener
// push it to the stack
// if it's a closer, pop from the stack and compare current to popped to see if it matches.
// if no match, return false
// if stack is empty and string has no more runes return true
stack := runeStack{}
for _, r := range []rune(s) {
switch r {
case '{', '[', '(':
case '}', ']', ')':
if stack.isEmpty() {
return false
} else {
cur := stack.pop()
if !matches(cur, r) {
return false
return stack.isEmpty()
For the full code, feel free to reach out.
You can try it yourself on leetcode
Please comment or dm me if you have other questions or remarks.
Until next time,
Stay all in!
Reha S.
Oct 07 2022